Pronunciation Game
Dialogue Ordering Game
Technologies Used
Our findings during this pilot:
- We restrained ourselves from making the games more fancy than the originals and focused on a one-to-one conversion. We do however see several possibilities to improve usability and the overall game experience that could rather easily be carried through. Like better mouse-over effects, larger buttons, transition effects on switch between question groups, more consistent score counting and displaying, more consistent use of sounds, better positioning of the buttons, etc.
- In-game content XMLtoJSON-conversion is quick enough for the games we converted. No need for a priori bulk conversions.
- MP3 format for sound is not enough. For Firefox, the sounds need to be converted to .OGG format. Old versions of Safari don’t handle HTML5 Sound too well.
- There are no 100% equal replacements for the fonts used in the Flash games. We choose Comic Sans for this pilot but we feel this is not the best option. An option might be to purchase a commercial type that is more similar and use this throughout the project.
- Support for Smartphones like iPhone and support for an older browser as IE8 (no strict requirements from OUP) seems possible without extra effort.
- There are several possibilities to protect OUP’s IP of the games through uglification and minification of the Javascript sources. We did not pursue this in this pilot.